We build a limited number of pools under our exceptional quality control standards.
We are family owned and operated right here in the Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Stop by and meet with us, look at our pool models in person, pick your colors.
Our pools come standard with the upgraded gelcoat finishes and borders.
When you buy from large fiberglass pool manufacturers, their builders have very large quotas to meet and errors slip through the cracks. They are production builders and have weekly numbers to fulfill.
Their pools are made all over the country and shipped to your location. There are only a handful of manuacturers out there and they are owned by the same parent company. These companies have different names but their pools are all built in the same facilities. Every other local pool company in the area orders their fiberglass pools from these manufacturers, marks up the price, and sells them to you, the end user.
Open up a catalog or view pictures online.
Their pools come in a solid color and if you want to upgrade to the best finish, you will be charged thousands of dollars.